Archive for June, 2012


I’m on Vacation in Florida and we’re supposed to be flying home in a few days. Here’s hoping Debby does what she’s supposed to and keeps heading East. Keep your fingers crossed!


Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by Penelope - June 25, 2012 at 7:35 am

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Waiting, Waiting, Waiting

I love that we live in a time when we can view our medical lab work as soon as our physicians do.  Sort of, as I’ve been stalking my e-mail since I had my blood drawn on Friday morning.

It seems I’ve developed a case of Raynaud’s possibly with a side of something else. The word scleroderma was tossed out, but I’ve been assured that it’s pretty rare and more likely that I just have Raynaud’s. .. and not to stress as stress makes everything worse. That my friend’s is easier said than done.

My hand keeps turning blue, it’s cold and the other hand has decided to follow suit.  So I’ve been spending the last few weeks holding warm mugs of herbal tea, wearing mittens and trying to stay calm.  I like to bead or crochet or embroider for stress relief and that’s a bit of a challenge while wearing mittens.

I’m still around. I’m optimistic that after some of the  more serious things have been ruled out next week  that I’ll be given something to diminish the problem.

Barring that, Florida is sounding better and better…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by Penelope - June 11, 2012 at 8:55 pm

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